Our Teams
Next Dimension Gymnastic Team
Steps of Praise Dance Team
Attention Those interested in Dance Team
I am so excited that you wish to be a part of the dance team at Lisa’s Dance Dimensions. All ages and abilities are accepted. Let me explain about our team, which may be different than other dance teams. First, Another Dimension is the name of the dance team. Dance team is separate from dance class and incurs additional fees and attire. We have a Sr. team and a Jr. team. All are welcome to join the Jr. team, and auditions are held for the Sr. team positions. Dance team is year round. Practices are held 1-2 days a month (usually Sunday afternoons or Saturday mornings) for 2-3 hours at a time, and we usually schedule 1-2 community performances (on weekends) per month. Attire is determined per year and is bought and kept by you. I know that we are buying a new leotard this fall (approx. $60). Fees are divided into Spring, Summer, and Fall for your convenience( 3 terms). Jr. fees are $35 monthly. Remember that this is an ongoing requirement and fees are to be paid whether or not you attend practices (unless written notification of withdrawal from team status is submitted before the next term starts). Another Dimension has competed in the past, but we do not concentrate on competitions. Second, Steps of Praise is our dance ministry. As part of Another Dimension, you are a part of Steps of Praise. “Dancing is the visualization of the word of God set to music. Romans 12:1 tell us, "To present your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship." Therefore, use dance as your strength and instrument for praise.” – Natalie (DR Staff). It is our prayer that audiences are moved by the Holy Spirit as we glorify God, praising his name in the dance. As we continue to keep our focus on God, please pray for our team that we will be a positive witness of God’s love while sharing our testimony through dance. Join us in our quest to change the future of dance!
Alabama Sports Festival 2010
Congratulations to all the girls that competed in the sports festival this year. You all did great!
Our team brought home a total of 13 Gold , 11 silver, and 8 bronze medals! We had 3 All around champions and Our level 2 team also were 1st place Champions!
Our team brought home a total of 13 Gold , 11 silver, and 8 bronze medals! We had 3 All around champions and Our level 2 team also were 1st place Champions!